Episode 2
Three Kinds of Time
My team makes good decisions about when to use synchronous or asynchronous communication.
01 My team makes good decisions about when to use synchronous or asynchronous communication.
We don’t attach your name or email to replies.
My team communicates with more social presence when it makes sense and with less social presence when it makes sense.
02 My team communicates with more social presence when it makes sense and with less social presence when it makes sense.
We don’t attach your name or email to replies.
Would this be a good use of synchronous or in-person time?
Based on what we've covered, vote yay or nay below. Type a or b on your keyboard or select either option, then hit Continue.
Summary of travel policy revamp
Would this be a good use of synchronous or in-person time?
Based on what we've covered, vote yay or nay below. Type a or b on your keyboard or select either option, then hit Continue.
Project meeting to clarify open questions
Would this be a good use of synchronous or in-person time?
Based on what we've covered, vote yay or nay below. Type a or b on your keyboard or select either option, then hit Continue.
Meeting to introduce new security protocol
What are some things your team is currently doing synchronously that you could be doing asynchronously?
03 What are some things your team is currently doing synchronously that you could be doing asynchronously?
We don’t attach your name or email to replies. If you’d like to clearly identify your response, please include your name.
What would you recommend to improve how in-person time is used at your organization?
04 What would you recommend to improve how in-person time is used at your organization?
We don’t attach your name or email to replies. If you’d like to clearly identify your response, please include your name.